Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Business (SDVOB)
SDVOB Goal Information & Reporting Responsibilities
In recognition of the service and sacrifices made by those who have served in the United States Armed Forces and sustained injuries associated with this service; and to assist them in achieving the American dream that they have selflessly volunteered to protect; New York State Passed Executive Law Article 17-B in 2014. This law is aimed at integrating SDVOBs into New York State’s economy. The Port of Oswego recognizes and welcomes this initiative to ensure that SDVOBs have opportunities for maximum feasible participation in all procurement areas. We are therefore committed to meeting the goals established within Article 17-B. These goals reflect the Port's objective to foster greater participation by Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Businesses (SDVOBs) in the Port's procurement activities.
Under this law, New York State agencies are required to make good faith efforts to meet a utilization goal for SDVOB procurement. The Law established a goal of 6% of procurement expenditures to be made with SDVOBs by state agencies, public authorities, and public benefit corporations. This goal is in addition to any established M/WBE goals.
The Port is committed to meeting these goal requirements and incorporating the use of SDVOBs within its various procurement activities. The Port welcomes any SDVOBs that may be interested in submitting a bid, proposal, or quote for procurement. Any interested SDVOBs may reach out to the Designated Contacts listed below to obtain additional information.
Contract opportunities are listed in the NYS Contract Reporter as they become available. Please follow the link for additional information.
Contract Opportunities: William Scriber, Executive Director (315) 343-4503 x.109,
Discretionary Purchasing: Meghan Wahrendorf, Purchasing Technician (315) 343-4503 x.106
Contract Goals and Article 17-B Compliance -
POA Approved Utilization Plans-Waivers - SDVOB.pdf
For additional information regarding the SDVOB program, including information regarding certification, please visit:
SDVOB Utilization Plan Form - SDVOB Utilization Plan Form.pdf
Quarterly SDVOB Compliance Report Form 101 - SDVOB_Quarterly_Report_Form_101.pdf
SDVOB Good Faith Effors Guidelines - SDVOB Good Faith Efforts Guidelines.pdf
SDVOB Waiver Form - SDVOB Waiver Form.pdf
The mission of the Port of Oswego Authority is to serve as an economic catalyst in the Central New York Development Council District Region by providing diversified and efficient transportation services and conducting operations in a manner that promotes regional and international growth and development while being mindful of our responsibility to serve as a steward of the environment.
Adopted - September 28, 2011
Revised - March 8, 2017
Bid Submittals for one (1) Electric Railcar Mover - DEADLINE EXTENDED TO APRIL 10, 2025 AT 2:00 PM.
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