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Board of Directors

Fiscal Year 2024-2025

Francis Enwright - Chairperson
Connie Cosemento - Vice-Chairperson

Kathleen Macey - Secretary/Treasurer
Stan Delia
Thomas Schneider
Dr. John Kares Smith
Diane Zeller

Francis Enwright - Chairperson
Mr. Enwright was educated at Oswego Catholic High School and Calhoon M.E.B.A. Engineering School.  He has endorsements from the United States Coast Guard, Second Assistant Marine Engineer Steam and Diesel.  Between 1973-1982, Mr. Enwright worked on a variety of merchant ships including freighters, tankers, and container ships, traveling to most major seaports in the world.  Mr. Enwright worked as an Assistant Station Shift Supervisor at the Oswego Steam Station between 1982-1992.  He was employed with the Operations Department for Sithe Independence, and later Dynegy, Inc. as a Senior Operator before retiring in 2016.  Mr. Enwright has served as a Oswego CIty Councilman in the First Ward from 2013-2016.  His hobbies include sailing and sailboat racing; he is a member of the Oswego Yacht Club.  

Connie Cosemento - Vice-Chairperson
Mrs. Cosemento has been married to her husband John since 1965, watched her two daughters become engineers and grow their own families. Mrs. Cosemento's commitment to her community persists after retirement from teaching high school biology for thirty years and public service as an elected official to represent the first ward and as City Clerk. Connie continues to stay active by serving on the Boards of the Port of Oswego Authority, Sterling Nature Center, Oswego County Opportunities and competing and teaching agility with her dogs at the championship level. 

Kathleen Macey - Secretary/Treasurer
Ms. Macey is a professor at SUNY Oswego and has been since 1977.  Ms. Macey was given the Award for Service to the Newman Center Community.

Stan Delia
Mr. Delia is a lifelong Oswego County resident, and graduate of Oswego Catholic High School and SUNY Oswego.  He was the Life & Health Insurance Manager at OVIA Insurance Agencies until his retirement in 2019.  He also was a financial advisor, and managed a small business for over 15 years.  He was a board member of the Oswego City School District from 1994-2005 and a 2-time Board President.  He was a past volunteer on several community groups, and was a past Kiwanis Club Member and President.  He was been married to his wife Patricia since 1979, and they have four children.  He enjoys walking and jogging, and was a previous runner and completed 16 Boston Marathons.    

Dr. John Kares Smith
Dr. John Kares Smith, Professor Emeritus of Communication Studies, has over forty years experience serving the faculty of SUNY-Oswego and the Oswego community.  He is a recipient of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Service award, presented by the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity "for dedication and service to the college and Oswego community."  He is also a Recipient of the International Awareness and Peace Award, presented by The Coalition for Peace Education for Outstanding Dedication to Peace Education and Leadership in 2000.  Dr. Smith has earned the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching bestowed by the Chancellor of the State University of New York, "in recognition of superb performance as a classroom teacher,"  and is also the State of New York and United University Professions Excellence Award for Professional Service, given to "exemplary faculty and professionals in the Professional Services Negotiating Unit in recognition of sustained, outstanding performance and superior service to the State University and to the State of New York."  Since 2000, he has been included in Who's Who Among American Teachers and has been profiled in the Directory of American Scholars.  Dr. Smith has served as a member of the Board of Directors of Oswego Opera Company, a member of the Board of Assessment Review for the City of Oswego and as a member and Vice-Chairman of the Oswego Zoning Board of Appeals.  He and his family have lived in Oswego for over forty years.

Thomas Schneider 
Mr. Schneider has served as President and CEO of Pathfinder Bank since January 2000 and has spent his entire 35 year career in the Financial Services industry.  Within the industry, Tom is on the Advisory Council of the American Bankers Association Stonier Graduate School of Banking at the Wharton School of Business. He served as past Chairman; current member of the Executive Committee, and current board member of the New York Bankers Association.  He also was an officer, followed by becoming Chairman, of the Community Bankers Forum. 
Tom believes that a community bank serves its constituents best by being a strongly engaged, locally informed member of the community, committed to strengthening our economic, social, civic and cultural community fabric.  Within our community, Tom serves as a current member of the board of directors of CenterState CEO and is a board member for both WCNY and The MOST.  He also serves as an Adjunct Professor at Oswego State University, teaching a graduate level finance course in the SUNY School of Business. He serves on the Oswego State School of Business Advisory Council and Economic Development Council and was past Chairman of Oswego Health and former board member. He is Treasurer and board member of the Shineman Foundation and is a board member and Audit Committee Chairman of the Port of Oswego. He is past President for Springside at Seneca Hill (an Oswego Health affiliate). 

Diane Zeller
Ms. Zeller is an English instructor at SUNY Oswego and has been since 2001. Ms. Zeller received her BA and MA from SUNY Oswego. Ms. Zeller is a former substitute teacher for the Fulton-Oswego School Districts.

Board Committees, 2024-2025

 Executive Committee:
- Defines roles of Board Members and the Executive Director
- Provides Board orientation process
- Oversees public relations
- Maintains organizational chart, and reviews personnel polices
- Provides annual review of the Executive Director
- Makes recommendations for labor agreements
- Maintains job descriptions

Committee Members -
Francis Enwright, Chairperson
Connie Cosemento, Vice-Chairperson
Kathleen Macey, Secretary/Treasurer
Thomas Schneider, Audit Committee Chair

Planning and Development Committee:
- Oversees special planning projects
- Identifies, plans and sets benchmarks for Port services
- Maintains listing of Port assets
- Oversees capital projects and asset acquisition
- Security

Committee Members -
Kathleen Macey, Committee Chair
Connie Cosemento

Governance Committee:
-Develops and implements policies and procedures relating to the rules and regulations of the Port regarding hiring, contracting, civil service, pensions and benefits, ethics and conflicts of interests of staff and Board Members, and management of such as it may relate to the governance of the Port of Oswego Authority.

Committee Members -
Dr. John Kares Smith, Committee Chair
Connie Cosemento
Diane Zeller

Audit and Finance Committee:
-Reviews both internal and external audit functions, including, but not limited to, working with the outside auditor, reviewing the audit,
and implementing actions.

-Reviews budgeting, purchasing, sales, procedures, contracts, leases, consultants, employment, and benefit costs, on at least an annual basis.

Committee Members -
Thomas Schneider, Committee Chair
Kathleen Macey
Stan Delia


The mission of the Port of Oswego Authority is to serve as an economic catalyst in the Central New York Development Council District Region by providing diversified and efficient transportation services and conducting operations in a manner that promotes regional and international growth and development while being mindful of our responsibility to serve as a steward of the environment.
Adopted - September 28, 2011
Revised - March 8, 2017

Our Location

1 East 2nd Street Oswego, NY 13126
Phone : (315) 343-4503


September meeting of the Port of Oswego Authority Board of Directors


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Board Meetings

Meetings will typically be held the third Monday of each month at 4:30pm in the Port of Oswego Authority Conference Room located at 1 East Second Street, Oswego NY.

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